When you bring your baby home from the hospital, you know for the first few weeks that a good night’s sleep is a thing of the past, but you want to do all you can to get your little bundle of joy into a routine as soon as possible. And you might need a few props on the way while you do.
This is where the Baby Sleep Shop comes in. The idea for this website was thought up by sleep-deprived parents of two Nick and Jo Windsor who were fed up trawling the internet for products to help their babies sleep – and paying numerous postage and packing while they did so. What they wanted was a one-stop shop and as they weren’t able to find one, they created their own, stocking sleep-related products from sleeping bags, comforters, bedding, mattresses, nursing pillows and swaddling systems, as well as providing a range of informative articles and advice for new parents.

The website now stocks over 2,000 products from 100 brands and they have even developed a range of bedtime apps designed to settle babies and toddlers and give them a restful night’s sleep.
Sound good? To find out more, visit www.babysleepshop.com